Keeping Safe Online
safer internet day parent carer presentation.pdf
Safer Internet Day Parent Carer Presentation
At The Nightingale Federation we believe that E-Safety is something all children need to be taught. As part of their computing lessons they will be taught how to use the internet safely.
Below are links to sites which can help both adults and children understand how to use the internet safely.
Keeping your children safe: online and beyond
This site has different areas tailored to both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. There are clips and games which can help teach children how to use the internet safely and responsibly.
There is also advice for parents and carers which is broken down to those with children at primary school and those at high school.
A resource about keeping safe during video calls.
Be Internet Awesome – A Program to Teach Kids Online Safety
Keeping children safe online
Children’s safe search engine’s